Uyghur Appeal

Donate now to provide medical care, food packs and legal aid to the Uyghur people.

Over the last three years, approximately 67,000 Uyghur Muslims have fled to Turkey for safety.

Having fled horrific human rights abuses, the Uyghur refugees are now living in unstable conditions in a foreign country, with no guaranteed accommodation, work or support.

Uyghur refugees have already been through far too much; help us ease their burden today.


We Stand with Uyghur Muslims

The Uyghurs are a Muslim minority living in the Xinjiang region of China, who are being targeted in what has been referred to by human rights activists as a “cultural genocide”.

Widespread surveillance has been reported in the Xinjiang area since authorities misleadingly collected DNA from Uyghur Muslims in 2017, for what people thought was a mandatory health check-up. Not long after that point, hundreds of thousands of Uyghur Muslims were detained and sent to “re-education camps”. Their crime? Simply being Muslim.


The situation has rapidly worsened, with the Chinese Human Rights Defenders Reports estimating that there are now over 2 million Uyghur Muslims locked away in “re-education programmes”, out of which there have been shocking first-hand accounts of people shackled day and night, women raped, organs harvested, families separated and Muslims forced to consume pork and alcohol.

Alhamdulillah, some of the persecuted Uyghur people have managed to flee, with the majority residing in Turkey. Turkey hosts the most refugees in the world, and has now become home to the largest Uyghur diaspora in the world as well. Unfortunately, with so many refugees already residing in the country, they cannot provide adequate support for the vulnerable displaced Uyghurs.

You can help our Uyghur brothers and sisters who have fled to Turkey by providing them with food, packs, medical care, psychosocial support and legal aid as they start to rebuild their lives in a new country.

We stand with the Uyghur people, will you?

Make a donation today to make a better tomorrow for the Uyghurs.


Support Uyghur Muslims Today!

Through our hard-working partners, Penny Appeal are delivering vital aid to thousands of Uyghur refugees in Turkey.

Many Uyghur refugees came to Turkey with very little, forced to leave their loved ones and belongings behind in a desperate attempt to escape the cultural genocide of their people. They are now suffering great financial hardships and don’t qualify for any legal aid or social care in their new home. Your donations could help Uyghur Muslims receive medical care and treatment, legal aid and food packs as well.

With cases of COVID-19 all throughout Turkey and wounds from their oppression still fresh, the Uyghur people are suffering. But Penny Appeal are working in Istanbul to ease their struggles.

We’re opening a local health centre that offers medical consultations, treatment, counselling and psychosocial support for those who need it. We will also be offering legal assistance and support to Uyghur refugees facing any legal cases concerning human rights, migrant and refugee issues, and citizenship laws and rights, with the help of an experienced lawyer.

Your donations will make a real difference to struggling refugee families, providing them with the support they need to begin healing and rebuilding a better life in safety.

Support your Uyghur brothers and sisters; they need you now more than ever. Donate now.


Penny Appeal will endeavour to use your gift as requested, wherever possible. If for any reason we cannot use your donation as you have indicated, we will use it to fund similar projects in other countries or other projects in the relevant country. Penny Appeal’s strategic overview and on the ground experience means it is in the best position to decide how to meet need as it arises.

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