Palestine Emergency

The violence in Gaza has claimed over 45,000 lives, leaving thousands injured, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry. However, this already horrifying figure doesn’t take into account the thousands still missing under the rubble. Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Illahi Rajioon.
Gaza, under complete siege, faces unthinkable horrors. The pipes supplying Gaza with water have been shut off, leaving over a million children freezing, hungry, and thirsty. Diseases are spreading, compounding the suffering. ‘Hungry, forsaken, dehumanised’ – the UNRWA Chief explains that the civilians living through these conditions feel betrayed by the world. A UN expert has issued a stark warning that hunger is pervasive among every Palestinian in Gaza.
Relentless airstrikes have targeted homes, mosques, and hospitals, escalating the death toll. With a ground offensive ongoing, safe places are scarce as almost the entire population is uprooted.
Despite dangers, our teams are on the ground delivering crucial aid. We urgently appeal for your support to provide essential aid to survivors facing this deadly ordeal.
With electricity, water, food, and medical supplies all obstructed, the people of Palestine are relying on your generosity now more than ever. Stand in solidarity with Palestine and help save lives during this critical time. Please keep the people of Palestine in your duas - Jazak’Allah Khair.
Feeding Palestinian Refugees in Jordan
Hundreds of Children's Lives Lost
Distributing Clean Water in Syrian & Palestinian Refugee Camps
Penny Appeal is helping people and hospitals in Palestine
Over the past decade, Penny Appeal has worked extensively across the Palestinian territories, from Jerusalem to Gaza City, providing comprehensive humanitarian aid throughout crisis after crisis.
More than ever, the people of Palestine need quality medical care. Penny Appeal has lonsupportethe Makassed Islamic Charitable Hospital in East Jerusalem, which is the largest Palestinian non-profit, non-governmental organisation.
Penny Appeal is on the ground working directly with this hospital in Jerusalem, as well as United Nations shelters, hospitals and medical clinics throughout Gaza, to provide much-needed critical medical aid to our sisters and brothers as and when needed.
What does ‘Where Most Needed’ mean?
We work with experts in the field as well as our established partners on the ground to locate countries, communities, and people that are most in need. So, when we say your donation is being delivered to where most needed, rest assured that you are helping support some of the most vulnerable communities in the world!
We always do our best to meet your requests!
Penny Appeal will endeavour to use your gift as requested, wherever possible. If for any reason we cannot use your donation as you have indicated, we will use it to fund similar projects in other countries or other projects in the relevant country. Penny Appeal’s strategic overview and on the ground experience means it is in the best position to decide how to meet need as it arises.