Complaints – Help us be better 

Penny Appeal is committed to providing the best service possible to our donors, volunteers, and supporters, as well as our beneficiaries wherever and whoever they may be. We recognise, however, that sometimes things can go wrong. 

Your feedback is very important to us, and we take your comments on the services we provide very seriously. We endeavour to respond in a timely and appropriate way as well as use your feedback as an opportunity to learn and improve. 

We pledge to treat every complaint seriously, with sensitivity, discretion and understanding. We will treat you with courtesy and fairness and investigate the matters raised thoroughly. 

We endeavour to

      - Acknowledge receipt of your complaint within five working day 

      - Send a detailed written response within twenty working days of receiving all the necessary details

How can I complain? 

If something goes wrong or you are unhappy with an aspect of our work, your first course of action should be to raise your complaint informally with the person or service concerned. They will often be able to put things right quickly. 

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your initial your complaint and you feel the matter has not been resolved, then you can make a formal complaint that will be recorded and handled appropriately. When making your complaint you should state clearly and briefly: 

  • What went wrong 
  • When and where it happened 
  • Who was involved 
  • What outcome you hope to get from your complaint 
  • Your name, address and contact details (telephone and/or email) 

You can send an email (subject ‘Formal Complaint’) to [email protected] or write a letter to: 

Complaints - Penny Appeal 

Penny Appeal Campus 

Thornes Park 


You will receive a written acknowledgement within five working days of your complaint being received. We may need to ask you some questions and to seek information from others. A final response will be written within twenty working days of Penny Appeal receiving all the necessary information needed to investigate your complaint. This response will inform you of any action we will take and or any general action we plan to take to improve our services in the future. 

If at any stage we think that the complaint investigation will take longer we will let you know and we will give you written updates every twenty working days. This may be the case if the complaint investigation is complex or requires the collection of statements from multiple people. 

Not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint? 

If you remain dissatisfied with the outcome of your complaint or the way in which it has been managed, you can escalate it to the Board of Trustees at Penny Appeal. You should send an email (marked ‘Formal Complaint to Chair) to [email protected] or write a letter to: 

Chair of Trustees - Penny Appeal

Penny Appeal Campus

Thornes Park


Again, you will receive a written acknowledgement from us within five working days of your complaint being received. Your complaint will be investigated and overseen by the Chair of Trustees, and you will receive a response, approved by the Chair, within twenty working days. 

Our pledge

We treat all comments and complaints as an opportunity to improve our services and we are happy to acknowledge any mistakes we make, sincerely apologise for them, and seek to prevent them from happening again in the future. 

Thank you for helping us to provide a better service

Fundraising Regulator

If you are still dissatisfied with the outcome of your complaint or the way in which it has been managed, you can contact the Fundraising Regulator: 

  • Completing the online form 
  • emailing [email protected]  
  • calling 0300 999 3407 (Monday to Friday, 09.30 am – 4.30 pm) 
  • sending a letter to Fundraising Regulator, Eagle House, 167 City Road, London, EC1V 1AW 

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