Penny Appeal at Home

Supporting people in need throughout the UK 

At Penny Appeal, we believe that charity starts at home, and we are always ready to help our neighbours in need. 

Our projects include feeding the homeless, helping refugees, supporting victims of domestic abuse, caring for the elderly, and responding to emergencies throughout the country. We believe in doing everything we can to support those most in need right here in the UK, but we couldn't do any of this without your generous support! 

Donate now to help your neighbours in need! 

Feeding communities across the UK 

It's no secret that we are living through extremely tough times, with the cost of living constantly on the rise, an increase in inflation, soaring fuel costs, and an NHS that is engulfed in crisis, access to the most basics essentials such as food, has sadly become a struggle for thousands across the UK. 

That’s why Penny Appeal is committed to providing weekly feeds to struggling communities across Bradford and beyond! 


In Bradford alone our food truck serves wholesome protein packed nutritious meals to approximately 80 people every single week – Alhamdulillah. 

In addition to our weekly feeds in Bradford, we also deliver food to communities in need up and down the country every month! 



Come rain or shine! 

Regardless of the time of year, we are always working to support our neighbours here in the UK. However, the winter season is particularly challenging for the homeless. That’s why throughout the winter season we provide winter clothing, food, and other essentials to families struggling to keep themselves warm and fed. We also work with homeless shelters to ensure we are supporting those most vulnerable.  

In times of crisis, we’re there to ease the burden. In times of uncertainty, we’re there to lend a helping hand. Penny Appeal at Home is your friendly neighbourhood charity, and we won’t stop packing bags, delivering meals, or supporting those in need.  

With your help, we can make a difference in the lives of thousands of people this winter. Please give what you can today. Thank you. 

Helping at Home 

Donating is just one way to help communities in the UK! 

Join Penny Appeal’s fundraising family #TeamOrange. Charity volunteering is our thing, and we are always looking for volunteers wanting to help those most in need. 

From fun fundraising challenges, to packing food packs and gift parcels and delivering them to the needy, there are loads of ways to get involved.  Whatever you get up to as part of #TeamOrange you won't be alone - we'll be there to support you every step of the way. 

Register now to join the family and become a Team Orange volunteer today. 


We always do our best to meet your requests!

Penny Appeal will endeavour to use your gift as requested, wherever possible. If we cannot use your donation as you have indicated, we will use it to fund similar projects.  Penny Appeal’s strategic overview and on the ground experience means it is in the best position to decide how to meet need as it arises. 

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