International Day of Friendship 2019
“A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow.” - William Shakespeare
Let’s celebrate the friends that accept us, those we can count on, share secrets with and have a whole load of fun with this Friendship Day.
International Friendship Day – Helping Orphans
This is the story of Sarjo, a young boy who lost his parents too soon. Facing such a heartbreak can be tough, especially when you’re having to move away from your home.
Left alone and scared, Sarjo did not speak to anyone for the first few days after he came to the Penny Appeal Orphan Complex. Like any child in a new place, he was afraid of opening up and expressing how he was feeling.
This is when friendship played a big role in his life – Sarjo started talking to the children within the Orphan Complex; soon enough they became the best of friends and were sharing secrets, playing together and most importantly knew they could rely on each other. Sarjo’s story is just one of the many stories we are celebrating this Friendship Day.
This just shows the importance of having good friends around you; friends who understand what have been through, friends who are there to listen and most importantly friends who allow you to have fun!
With the OrphanKind appeal, Penny Appeal ensure that the children have a safe and loving environment to live in, a place they can call their home. Children are being provided with nutritious meals and have access to the best quality education. The unique and best thing about Penny Appeal’s OrphanKind appeal is that every child has a foster mother. A mother who is there to look after the child, physically and emotionally.
“Now he has friends, and he’s a happy kid.” Mariama Hydara – Sarjo’s foster mother.
Sarjo pictured with his foster mother.
Can you imagine not having a friend you talk to when you’re feeling down? Sadly, this is the case for many children around the world.
This Friendship Day you can be the one to ensure an orphan has a friend they can rely on – visit our OrphanKind page to find out more.
Sarjo and his friends would like to wish you a Happy Friendship Day!
International Friendship Day – Helping the elderly
This Friendship Day, we’re not only focusing on the friendships formed between children, were celebrating the friendships formed between the elderly too!
91 year-old Mohammad Azam was left all alone by his sons and was relying solely on other family members to look after him. Mohammad Azam’s health was deteriorating and family members could not keep up with the increasing medical bills. The thought of being a burden on someone was eating Mohammad Azam away and there was nothing he could do about it.
Luckily for him, someone from his village knew about the ‘Adopt a Gran’ Scheme in Pakistan and within a few days, arrangements were made for Mohammad Azam to move in to an elderly home run by Penny Appeal.
Once a man who used to spend his entire time on a bed, in a room all alone, Mohammad is now playing games and having fun socialising with people his age. He has formed friendships with everyone in the home and no longer feels like a burden.
Penny Appeal’s ‘Adopt a Gran’ programme is one of a kind; it gives older people back their happiness and health, as altheir needs from food, to healthcare, to social activities are taken care of.
This Friendship day, take a moment to think about the elderly who are still all alone and have no one to talk to. Find out how you can Adopt a Gran.
Friendship Day 2019 UK
Penny Appeal are not only saying Happy Friendship Day to those who we have helped internationally, we’re celebrating Friendship Day with people, right here, in the UK.
Did you know two fifths of all older people here in the Usay that the TV is their main company? Would you want your parents or grandparents to be a part of this number?
Penny Appeal are trying to tackle this issue by organising tea parties with the elderly around the UK, to show that they have a friend in us!
“Providing a helping hand, our company and a listening ear, is a way forward in improving older people’s quality of life.” – Shafaq, UK Programmes officer.
This Friendship day, you can make a difference by joining our Team Orange volunteers and taking part in similar projects!
Show the elderly they have a friend in you by becoming a volunteer.
Happy Friendship Day from Penny Appeal!
Read more about Penny Appeal Uk and around the world:

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