The Power of Just One Well
Sakina's Story
Sakina and her children had never had a well before.
As a widow, Sakina did everything she could to provide for her children. But water proved to be a persistent problem… without clean water in the village, Sakina and her four children had to walk miles to collect water. It took so long that there was no time for school. Sakina couldn’t work and earn money for her family, either.
But what could Sakina do? The alternative was to drink the dirty water that ran by the village, which carries serious diseases and could kill her children.
The long walks were torturous for Sakina and her children - especially on the long walk home, burdened by heavy pots of water on tiny shoulders.
They would try to bring back as much water as possible, so as to avoid the laborious journeys. But sometimes, their pots of stored water got contaminated. So, Sakina and her children often fell ill, losing money they didn’t have to pay for medicine to treat the water-borne diseases.
When we built this well, Sakina was overjoyed - finally, her problems were over.
Her family can keep healthy with fresh, clean water right by their house. Her children have time to go to school, and build a better future for themselves. Sakina can work for a little extra income, and she has more time to spend with her children.
Sakina and her children are just one family who benefitted from this well - there are many other families in her village whose lives have been transformed by the blessings of the clean water it provides. This is the power of just one well.
We’d like to say a special thanks to Zainuddin Yahaya, who funded this incredible well - and to all of you who have contributed towards building wells around the world – may you gain countless rewards for years to come!
World Water Day 2019
10 Amazing Years of Penny Appeal means 160,000 wells built around the world!
During World Water Day - and all year round - we’re so proud of all the amazing wells we’ve built with your generous support. But we know that there’s still so much to do.
Three children die every minute from drinking dirty life.
Let’s use World Water Day 2019 to show the transformative power of just one well. Please share this article on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter - let’s get another hundreds more wells built this month!
You can help mothers like Sakina to protect their children from such a fate, and provide the very best life possible for them. Please help us make a difference this World Water Day.
Just 82p a day for one year can give the precious gift of water to people like Sakina and her family.