Penny Appeal receives award for Kashmiri Adopt A Gran project
Penny Appeal were honoured to receive the Elderly Support Project prize at the “Mother Helpage Excellence Awards” last weekend, in recognition of our exceptional efforts supporting elderly people in Kashmir as part of our wider Adopt a Gran appeal.
Our winning Adopt-a-Gran project in Anantnag, Jammu & Kashmir, provides elderly people with access to nutritious food, primary health care, psychosocial counselling and recreational support. Residents in the area have long suffered through lockdowns and isolation - even before the pandemic, as the region was besieged with stay-at-home orders and curfews due to political unrest. Older citizens, especially those who do not live with close relatives, have been the hardest hit by such measures, suffering with seclusion and loneliness on top of the increased difficulty in accessing daily necessities.
Last weekend’s award was a testament to all our dedicated staff who have worked tirelessly to ensure elderly people in Kashmir are fed, cared for, and in great health, both physically and mentally. Making a measurable and recognisable impact in the communities we serve is the essence of everything we do and this award reminds just how our small change really can make a big difference to those who need it most.
Our Unique Adopt a Gran Appeal
Traditional societies had always placed a special emphasis on caring for their elderly. They valued their wisdom and guidance and saw taking care of them as an honour. However, families living in poverty are often left to make impossible decisions, when there isn’t enough food to go around or in the face of rising medical bills, too often the elderly are abandoned. It’s a taboo many are hesitant to address, but one that leaves countless older people suffering and destitute. Older people with no family connections at all are in even worse predicaments, relying solely on charity or generosity from neighbours to avoid starving.
“He is not one of us who does not show mercy to our young ones and esteem to our elderly.” Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ)
Caring for the elderly is a duty upon every Muslim. When you Adopt Gran with Penny Appeal, you can provide an older person with safety, sanctuary, financial stability, and everything they need to better care for their well-being. With nutrition, healthcare, counselling, and an active social life all accounted for, your generosity can allow them to spend their latter years in dignity and safety.
Adopt A Gran today for only £10 a month
Here in the UK, it’s reported that there are 1.2 million older people who identify as chronically lonely. At least half a million of them go up to six days a week without seeing or speaking to anyone at all. Shocking statistics like these led Penny Appeal to launch a crisis helpline during the pandemic, providing mental health support and a listening ear to those who needed it. Elderly people have long been a core focus of our domestic projects here in the UK, charity begins at home after all. With your generous support we have been able to offer counselling services, food distributions, financial hardship grants as well as regular care home visits. You can support this effort and do your bit to help serve our elderly.
Support our counselling sessions for just £60