How Your Zakat Transforms Lives Across the Globe
As the blessed month of Ramadan dawns upon us, our hearts yearn for closeness to Allah (SWT). This sacred time is an opportunity to seek forgiveness, increase our good deeds, and extend our hands in charity to those dependent on the softness of our hearts, for children and adults facing uncertainties of all kinds. It is a month that calls for upholding the essence of humanity above all and become a source of compassion to those near and afar.
One of the most powerful acts that help us in embodying the true spirit of being Allah’s (SWT) supreme creation during this holy month is Zakat—a obligation that requires us to share a portion of our wealth to those who have been deprived of their own. This act of sharing with those less fortunate has undeniable powers of transforming our hearts, making it even more humble in our servitude to Allah (SWT).
Zakat is not just a duty; it is a lifeline for millions around the world. When you give your Zakat, you are directly answering the cries of those facing unimaginable hardship—orphans, widows, refugees, and families torn apart by poverty and disaster. It’s about helping the helpless through sincerity and selflessness.
The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said: “Charity does not decrease wealth.” (Sahih Muslim) Indeed, your Zakat purifies your wealth and blesses it with barakah, makes it a means of protection against misfortune for you while ensuring that those in need can live a life beyond the survival mode.
Every penny of your Zakat with Penny Appeal is carefully distributed to those who need it most. For many, iftar is a luxury they cannot afford. Families in war-torn regions and impoverished communities struggle to find even a morsel to break their fast. Your Zakat helps provide essential food packs, ensuring that they can share a meal just as we do with our loved ones. It ensures that individuals and families can live with dignity and honour and none of the mothers must suffer heartaches seeing their children cry due to hunger.
Your Zakat could provide millions the basic, fundamental right to consume clean water. In a world where millions suffer from waterborne diseases due to contaminated sources and have miserable lives and heartbreaking deaths, it is through your Zakat that vulnerable communities in India, Pakistan, Nepal and beyond can quench their thirst with safe water. Alhamdulillah, in the previous year, we have managed to build more than 300 sustainable water wells and filtration systems, giving entire communities the gift of health and dignity.
The Prophet (ﷺ) said: “The one who cares for an orphan will be with me in Paradise like this” (Sahih Bukhari) – and he held his fingers together to show their closeness. Your Zakat provides education, healthcare, shelter, and love for children who have no one else to turn to, shaping a future filled with hope and opportunity. Your Zakat funds a child’s orphaned life, providing him access to meaningful education and providing wings to his purposeful ambitions towards a future filled with greater success.
Allah (SWT) reminds us in the Qur’an: “Take from their wealth a charity by which you purify them and cause them increase.” (Surah At-Tawbah 9:103) Zakat is not just an obligation; it is an opportunity to purify your wealth, uplift communities, and bring justice to the world. It is a means of ensuring that the most vulnerable do not go unnoticed or unheard.
This Ramadan, let your Zakat be a source of light for those struggling in darkness. With Penny Appeal, your donations go directly to those who need them most, transforming lives with every pound given. Give your Zakat today and be the reason someone smiles this Ramadan. Donate now at our 100% Zakat page and be the change you want to see in this world.
May your generosity be accepted, and may your Zakat be a means of attaining higher ranks in Jannah, Ameen!