Syria Emergency

You can end the suffering. Send your support to Syria today.

13 years into one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises, the people of Syria are still forced to endure wide scale suffering – Subhan’Allah!  

10 Years of Syrian Conflict

80% of Syrians live below the poverty line, a drastic shift from the pre-war level of under 10% in 2011. An already complex and desperate situation became even more dire when a 7.8 magnitude earthquake became the most severe natural disaster to strike the region in a century. As of early 2024, Syria poses the world’s largest refugee crisis. 

According to the UN’s most recent Humanitarian Needs Overview, 15.3 million people now need humanitarian assistance to survive; with a population of 18 million, that means 85% of those who remain in Syria cannot survive without international help from organisations like Penny Appeal.  

Innocent civilians, especially children, bear the brunt of the conflict which has dominated the majority of their lives. Entire cities like Idlib, Aleppo, and Raqqa have been destroyed by relentless violence, with 40% of schooling infrastructure said to have perished resulting in 2.3 million children being out of education. We now run the risk of multiple generations being lost. 

Since the very beginning of this devastating war, Penny Appeal have been supporting the people of Syria with food packs, medical supplies, hygiene items, tents, clothing, and fuel. Together, we can do more. Join us in our mission to help our Syrian brothers and sisters survive these terrible conditions they played no part in creating. 

What does ‘Where Most Needed’ mean?

We work with experts in the field as well as our established partners on the ground to locate countries, communities, and people that are most in need. So, when we say your donation is being delivered to where most needed, rest assured that you are helping support some of the most vulnerable communities in the world!

We always do our best to meet your requests!

Penny Appeal will endeavour to use your gift as requested, wherever possible. If for any reason we cannot use your donation as you have indicated, we will use it to fund similar projects in other countries or other projects in the relevant country. Penny Appeal’s strategic overview and on the ground experience means it is in the best position to decide how to meet need as it arises.

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